Green IT and environmental sustainability

As concern for the environment grows, businesses must consider the impact of their IT operations on the planet. Reducing the environmental impact of business IT systems is a critical step towards a more sustainable future.

by Drew Aspland, 16th November 2022

Providing green IT solutions

Plan IT Support is serious about its contribution to environmental sustainability, and we think every business has a duty to leave the world in a better state than they found it.

As an IT support provider we have a unique influence over our clients’ operational habits, and Plan IT Support has always encouraged greener IT practices. We do this by providing our partners with the information they need about the benefits of sustainable computing, relevant to their industry or sector. This can include discussing the financial benefits of energy-efficient technologies and practices, as well as the environmental benefits of reducing e-waste and offsetting carbon emissions.

We offer green IT solutions and services as standard, such as energy-efficient hardware and software, and cloud computing and virtualised solutions. We offer referrals to recycling programmes, and can suggest carbon offsetting tools and endeavours. By providing our clients with these solutions and services, Plan IT Support can actively demonstrate its commitment to environmental sustainability and to helping our clients adopt green IT practices.


Desktop plant green IT


Why should my business be concerned about its environmental impact?

We believe businesses have a responsibility to take care of the environment and ensure that they are not causing harm. This is not only good for the planet, but it can also improve a business’s reputation, and make the organisation more attractive to customers who are increasingly concerned about their carbon footprint.

Many national and local governments like Southend-on-Sea City Council are rightly implementing policies and regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable practices. By taking proactive steps to address these issues, our clients can avoid the costs and risks associated with non-compliance and position themselves as leaders in the field.

What is the environmental impact of my business IT systems?

The manufacturing of computers and other office IT equipment requires the use of a large amount of resources, including metals, plastics, and other materials. This can result in pollution and other environmental damage, particularly if manufacturing and disposal processes are not carefully controlled.

The use of computers and other office IT equipment can result in the generation of large amounts of electronic waste, which can be difficult to get rid of safely and can cause environmental harm if it is not properly managed.

And of course, the operation of office IT systems requires power, which contributes to air and water pollution if it is generated from fossil fuels – older, less energy efficient hardware more so. Overall, the negative environmental impacts of office IT systems can be significant, and it is important for businesses to consider these impacts and take steps to minimise them.

How can green IT policies help?

Green IT, also known as sustainable computing or environmentally responsible computing, refers to the use of information and communication technologies in a way that minimises negative environmental impacts. This can include reducing energy consumption, reducing e-waste, and using renewable energy sources.

Organisations can plan to negate their impact. A business can create a tonne of e-waste, but it’s possible to avoid it, or at least minimise it. This can be done by implementing a recycling program for electronic equipment and other materials, such as batteries and printer cartridges. Energy-efficient computers and office equipment should be sought, which use less energy and generate less heat than traditional desktop computers.

We’re also very keen to wean our clients off their printer dependency – we believe there’s a rapidly diminishing requirement for printers in business, especially if a bit of imagination is employed! Most things do not need to be printed these days, and we find a simple change in working habits can have a great impact on waste, and on running costs.

Carbon offsetting

Carbon offsetting refers to the practice of compensating for a business’s own carbon emissions by supporting projects that reduce or remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Organisations like Carbon Neutral Britain offer carbon offsetting programmes that allow businesses to negate these emissions. These programmes, although flawed, often provide businesses with detailed information about tree-planting and other projects they are supporting and the impact they are having on reducing carbon emissions.


forest carbon capture green IT


What is the future of green IT?

The development and adoption of new technologies, such as cloud computing and virtualisation, could help to reduce the environmental impact of business IT by reducing the need for physical servers and other hardware. Overall, the future of office IT in relation to environmental sustainability is likely to involve a combination of technological innovations and changes in business practices, with a focus on reducing the environmental impact of office IT systems while still meeting the needs of the business.

Overall, the key to encouraging clients to adopt greener IT practices is to provide them with information, solutions and support, and to demonstrate the benefits of sustainable computing through the company’s own operations. By doing so, we can help our clients reduce their environmental impact and support sustainable practices.

We believe we serve as a role model for sustainable computing by implementing green IT practices in our own operations. By leading by example, we at Plan IT Support show our clients the benefits of sustainable computing and encourage them to adopt similar habits.

As we continue to grapple with the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation, it’s clear that businesses have an important role to play in creating a more sustainable future. In recent years, many companies have made strides in reducing their environmental impact. However, there is still much work to be done, and it’s up to all of us – from individuals to large corporations – to take action.


Contact Plan IT Support

If you’d like to see how your office IT can work for you, and for the environment, drop us a line and we can have a chat. There’ll be no jargon, and no obligation.